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Internet Webs
01www.cam.com.cnChina Academy of Machinery Science & Technology
02www.pornresident.comHarbin Welding Institute
03www.china-weldnet.comHarbin Welding Institute
04www.chinasrif.comShenyang Research Institute of Foundry
05www.foundrynations.comShenyang Research Institute of Foundry
06www.zrime.com.cnZhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering
07www.rimp.com.cnWuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection
08www.riamb.ac.cnResearch Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry
09www.yeyanet.com.cnResearch Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry
10www.brimet.ac.cnBeijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology
11http://www.chts.org.cnBeijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology
12www.cmfi.cn/home.aspFirst Design and Research Institute, Ml China
13www.pcmi.com.cnChina Productivity Center for Machinery
14www.e-cuc.comChina Productivity Center for Machinery
15www.kepu.gov.cnChina Productivity Center for Machinery
16www.cppc.org.cnChina Productivity Center for Machinery
17www.cccap.org.cnChina Certification Center for Automotive Products
18www.syc.org.cnMachinery Industry Proving for Construction Machinery & Refit Military Vehicles
19www.mtd.com.cnMachinery Technology Development Co., Ltd.
20www.camtc.com.cnAdvanced Manufacture Technology Center China Academy of Machinery Science & Technology
21http://www.mia-ias.comMachinery Industry
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